Release date​
6 June 2023
- Upgrade to Ruby 3.2
- Execute missing pact/OAS comparisons asynchronously to prevent can-i-deploy HTTP requests timing out. See blog post.
- Allow pacticipants to be searched by name using the query string
- Add pagination to teams endpoint
- Compress response payloads with gzip
- Upgrade to latest swagger-mock-validator
- When comparing a pact and OAS for a bi-directional contract, select OAS response schema based on accept and request schema based on content-type headers
- When comparing a pact and OAS for a bi-directional contract, support comparisons for Pact V4 bodies rather than treating the section as JSON.
- Fix error raised when querying the matrix for an integration using bi-directional contracts with a single selector and no 'deploy to' selector (tag, environment, or branch).
- Fix error raised when updating a team with a team member that has been marked as inactive.
- SCIM - allow externalIdpId and externalIdpUsername fields to be writable in the create user endpoint, to ensure provisioned user details are correctly matched with the newly logged in user details.
- Add missing validation for the provider version branch when fetching pacts for verification, to ensure that empty strings are disallowed